At Hedgerow Herb Co., we are passionate about preservation of ancestral skills and knowledge. We know that the ways of plants are the ways of the people and that the hedgerow belongs to every passerby. Our vision for the modern apothecary is a place of education, community support, and creative overflow.
This is why we host community building events rooted not only in herbalism but also in plant-lore, poetry, storytelling, folk singing, basket weaving and plant dyeing. Explore our upcoming offerings and ensure your spot by purchasing your ticket in advance.

Members receive 15% off classes - become a member here.

Plant Spirit Journey: Rowan

Plant Spirit Journey: Rowan

Join us for an intimate plant spirit journey at Hedgerow, led by Madrone, with a soundscape by Alexa Lux. Being an herbalist, gardener, or plant lover doesn’t only have to be about working with plants practically, but can also be about building a relationship and connecting magically. During this two hour intimate circle, we enjoy Rowan berry before we journey into the otherworld and meet the spirit of Rowan. This non-entheogenic journey space is meant to be one wherein folks can explore their innate intuitive capacities, learn directly from the spirit of plants themselves, and share their experiences with other practicing folks. We discuss practical uses and lore of Rowan, and end our evening with some rustic charm crafting guided by Tessa. If you know little of this plant, best wait until after your journey to start learning. Going in with a fresh mind is a special treat.

Join us bi-monthly for Plant Spirit Journeys at our storefront, after hours! Check our classes & events page and sign up for our newsletter to be in the know about these and all of our classes and events!

Tier Ticket Pricing

Tier 1: For those who find themselves experiencing financial hardships. Thank you for coming!

Tier 2: For the common folk. This is the general ticket price.

Tier 3: For folks who have plenty of resources. This tier ensures access for folks with less resources available. Thank you for paying it forward!

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Dark Forest Longing with Hyldyr

Dark Forest Longing with Hyldyr

Dark Forest Longing

Autumn equinox live reading with Hyldyr

Embrace the arrival of autumn and the growing shadows by celebrating the publication of Dark Forest Longing: Tales of Folk Horror & Nature Mysticism by the early 19th century master storyteller Ludwig Tieck,

Witness master storyteller Ilana Hamilton (Kertoa Kalevala) read aloud Tieck's haunted tales and find yourself spirited away by the ethereal harp accompaniment of Asia Kindred Moore. Sip special forest brews from the cauldrons of the Hedgerow wood-women. Finally, gain insight about the historic folklore that inspired these grim tales from philologist Joseph S. Hopkins.

Leave with your brain seared with stories you'll never forget.

Limited space. Purchase ticket below!

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Self Bodywork & Myofascial Release Workshop with Jacob Ray

Self Bodywork & Myofascial Release Workshop with Jacob Ray

Bodies of the Earth Self Bodywork & Myofascial Release Workshop

with Jacob Ray

Self-bodywork & myofascial release (MFR) is a practice in embodiment, self-discovery, and transformation. In this workshop you will be given a framework for understanding how the body holds and releases tension both energetically and physiologically. Within this framework, you will be guided through a self-exploration of your own body using simple tools
like lacrosse balls, soft balls, foam rollers, and most importantly your own breath.

“This is a practice that has supported me in so many ways and is an extremely valuable tool for cultivating and maintaining wellness and embodied agency.” - Jacob

Join bodyworker and nature connection mentor Jacob Ray for a two hour evening workshop where you will learn how to give your body the care it needs with your own breath, gravity, and accessible tools. Please bring your own mat or rug to lay on.


Meet you facilitator

Born in Portland, Oregon Jacob has spent most of his life in the Pacific North West exploring various embodiment modalities and earth-based skills while diving deep into his own healing, education, and self-discovery. He is passionate about cultivating wellness, practicing community, and creating food sovereignty. As a professional bodyworker, Jacob aims to serve his community with nourishing therapeutic touch, accessible education, and facilitating time spent connecting with the natural world. Book a bodywork session with Jacob at

LMT License #28500

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Flower Tryst : Flower Essence Consultations

Flower Tryst : Flower Essence Consultations

Join me in the flowers….

Come to Hedgerow on the last Sunday of the month for Flower Tryst, a flower essence consultation pop-up hosted by Juliet Howard.

Flower essence consultations help to shift patterns, release stuckness, and free one up to pursue their dreams and desires. Seemingly subtle medicine, flower essences are wildly potent and a fun addition to add to your daily routine.

Juliet invites you to come to the 30-minute consultation with an intention or something you would like to shift. She will ask you some questions in order to have the information needed to create a personalized formula to address what you are working through. Your custom essence will then be available for pickup at Hedgerow within 72 hours.


About Juliet

Juliet Howard is an herbalist, mother, musician, medicine-maker, and a lover of all things wild. Her relationship to plant magic began at a very early age living on the wild cliffs of the Oregon coast. Her approach to herbalism comes from a deep reverence for plants through an animist perspective. The purpose of her work is to help people come home to themselves through fostering deeper relationships to plants and the natural world. Her strong conviction is that plants are a powerful portal into the magic and wonder of being alive and embodied.

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Mineral Mondays: Copper

Mineral Mondays: Copper


Mineral Mondays
| Copper |

A monthly exploration of folk healing though minerals with Marya Gendron

Minerals act as spark-plugs for enzyme reactions in our bodies. They are the indispensable building blocks for our wellbeing. As our soils and food become more depleted of essential minerals, and as toxic metals interfere with our metabolism, it becomes that much more important to become literate about minerals if we are to stay healthy.

Towards this end, Marya Gendron shares her love, passion, and expertise on all things mineral, every third Monday for Mineral Mondays, at Hedgerow. Each month, a different mineral will be explored; Marya will discuss the role that each mineral plays in out health, its dynamic relationship with other minerals, environmental factors that lead to depletion or toxicity, and the foods and herbs that we can use as allies to be more nourished with minerals.

This month marya will be exploring the mineral copper. This mineral, often feared for its role in so-called "copper toxicity" is a critical mineral for many physiological functions in the body. Many people need more of it. Marya will also discuss the role that hormonal birth control and the copper IUD have in copper homeostasis in women's bodies, and how to compensate for elevated copper with other minerals and vitamins.

Join us for a pot of tea and a rich conversation with mineral expert and folk healing practitioner Marya Gendron.

About Marya

 “ My name is Marya and I grew up in rural southwestern New Mexico in an intentional community founded on principles of healing, land stewardship, nonviolent communication, farming in harmony with nature, and consensus decision-making. My childhood was truly wonderful. My parents created their own Montessori school for us kids and they all took turns teaching. We bathed outdoors in natural hot-springs under the starry sky, and splashed in ponds and waterfalls. We lived in handmade homes that were art pieces made of clay and wood.We ate healthy organic food and regularly had group meals together in the community kitchen.We had big dance parties often.I was surrounded by many aunties and uncles and roamed freely across the landscape from one house to another with my friends. My friendships were deep and life was meaningful, connected, free, and full of beauty. My upbringing gave me a strong connection to Nature, and a framework for healthy living in community. 

Years later as a mother, moving around constantly with my young son following my husband’s work, I found that I was a shadow of my former self.

I suffered from chronic migraines which had plagued me since the emergency c-section at my first son’s birth. I had no nearby family to help me to raise my son or help me with my chronic pain condition.  I had very few friends or sense of community because we moved so much.  I coudn’t find any doctors who could figure out how to help me. I was sick, depressed, malnourished, isolated, hadn’t slept well in years, and was totally freaked out by all the other symptoms that accompanied my migraines: peripheral neuropathy, nightmares, ringing in the ears, myriad food intolerances, compromised digestion, pain sensations in the major organs of my body, gallbladder attacks, insomnia, etc. etc. etc. etc.  Although I knew I was privileged, and I adored my husband and son, I found that I was totally overwhelmed by motherhood, traumatized by my medicalized birth, angry and resentful at allopathic medicine, bewildered that mothers were expected to raise kids in such isolating conditions, scared that I would never get out of migraine, and daunted by the overwhelming task of having to learn how to heal myself. Little did I know that this dark period would be the fertile soil for a hugely transformative experience that would include years of study into nutrition and physiology, a lot of experimentation, the development of the gift of my analytical mind, a deep respect for the healing plants and minerals that Mother Nature offers us, and an even more profound astonishment at the ability of my body to heal.

“Chronic migraines mixed with motherhood was a rite of passage that taught me -Marya, what my real purpose in life is, and for this I am forever grateful.”

Learn more about Marya, her offerings, and the things she knows at Minerals for Migraines.

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Occult Needlecraft

Occult Needlecraft



a hands on exploration of the intersection between hand sewing and folk magic with Leodrune Press

Join Sylvia & Tristan Eden of Leodrune Press for a workshop based on their monograph Occult Needlecraft: On the intersection between hand-sewing and folk magic. We will begin with a live reading of the first half of the book, introducing the basic materials of stitchcraft as spirits of their own, rooted in the ecology of Land and Body. We will explore textiles and stitching in folklore, then consider a selection of ritual applications for this profoundly versatile handcraft. Using sewing kits provided to each participant, we will practice some basic hand stitches and discuss their respective potencies; from there, we will create talismans, or ritually enchanted items, in the form of charm bags.


Our materials are an outgrowth, a fruiting body, born from our shared ritual practice here in the Pacific Northwest’s ancient, wounded, and vibrant biomes. Together, we write & illustrate small books which explore the deep magic of ecological relationships between humans and Others—plant, animal, landscape, spirit—and present ways to root one’s personal spiritual practice into everyday aspects of living, such as handcrafting and meal-making.

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Between the Witch and the Devil: Book Release Event with Corinne Boyer

Between the Witch and the Devil: Book Release Event with Corinne Boyer


Join us on the eve of Friday September 6th , from 6-8pm for a special event featuring author and teacher Corinne Boyer. This evening is sure to inspire!

The focus of the event will be the upon the exploration of witch and devil folklore from Northern and Western Europe. Corinne’s newest book titled Between the Witch and the Devil will be released, with signed and hand stamped copies available for sale. A one hour talk on the subject will be given, with question and answer time at the end. An art installation of nine shadow boxes will be shown, each themed on the nine book chapters and their titles. Delightful refreshments will be served.

Between the Witch and the Devil is essentially a focus on the interface between humans and supernatural spirits and how this translated to a magical practitioner of old. Much of the lore comes out of the Early Modern Era- from folktales, oral stories and superstitions, forced trial confessions, and a local understanding of land spirits and place. This information is dark, strange and invocative of older times, where the enchanted and enspirited world was a part of daily life.

This event is limited to 40 participants. Please purchase your ticket to ensure your spot.

Regular Ticket: $15

Member Ticket: $12.25

About Corinne

Corinne Boyer is a folk herbalist, teacher, and writer with a passion for traditions surrounding plants and folk magic. She has been studying and working with plants since 1998. She received her Bachelors of Science in 2003 in biomedical science (pre-med) with an emphasis on ethnobotany and plant toxicology. She studied with teachers and herbalists Carol Trasatto, Joyce Netishen and Trolldom practitioner Johannes Gardback of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Corinne teaches weekly classes out of her home with a focus on medicine making and the plant traditions of northern and western Europe and North America.

She has been published in various journals with articles about plant lore, history and occult plant uses including The Cauldron, Clavis, and Wyrd. She has been featured in numerous anthologies, including for four years in the Verdant Gnosis, which is the collective book for the Viridis Genii Symposium.

Her published books include: 
Under the Witching Tree, Troy Books, 2016
Plants of the Devil, Three Hands Press, 2017
Under the Bramble Arch, Troy Books, 2019
The Witches Cabinet- Plant Lore, Sorcery and Folk Tradition, Three Hands Press, 2021 
Dream Divination Plants in Northwestern European Traditions, Three Hands Press, 2022 

She lives with her family in the forests of the Pacific Northwest.

To learn more about Corinne’s writing and class offerings, visit

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Folk Medicine and Mineral Balancing for Women's Health

Folk Medicine and Mineral Balancing for Women's Health


Folk Medicine and Mineral Balancing for Women’s Health

with Marya Gendron of Minerals for Migraines

As many women know, hormones and hormone balancing can be a complex topic yet is highly important for overall health. Many symptoms we experience are, in fact, symptoms of hormone imbalance. In this class, Marya will be discussing the following folk remedies and minerals for women's health:

  • The importance of iodine in preventing all cystic and fibrotic conditions, from endometriosis to fibroids to cystic fibrotic breast tissue, ovarian cysts, migraines, and acne. All of these are downstream effects of hypothyroidism. Marya will go over some of the controversy and precautions around taking iodine, which mineral supports are needed to keep iodine in balance, side-effects of iodine, and which toxic halides in our environment are depleting our bodies of precious iodine.

  • Four other key herbal, culinary, and natural preventive treatments that help keep women's hormones in balance to prevent or heal these conditions.

Marya’s purpose at Minerals for Migraines is to share with you everything she has learned about:

How amazing your body is
The incredible plants and minerals available to heal
How the allopathic model of medicine gets in the way of that
Why chronic illness can be a gift of transformation
How to use this opportunity to get out of pain
while using it to learn how to live the life you truly desire. 


About Marya

 “ My name is Marya and I grew up in rural southwestern New Mexico in an intentional community founded on principles of healing, land stewardship, nonviolent communication, farming in harmony with nature, and consensus decision-making. My childhood was truly wonderful. My parents created their own Montessori school for us kids and they all took turns teaching. We bathed outdoors in natural hot-springs under the starry sky, and splashed in ponds and waterfalls. We lived in handmade homes that were art pieces made of clay and wood.We ate healthy organic food and regularly had group meals together in the community kitchen.We had big dance parties often.I was surrounded by many aunties and uncles and roamed freely across the landscape from one house to another with my friends. My friendships were deep and life was meaningful, connected, free, and full of beauty. My upbringing gave me a strong connection to Nature, and a framework for healthy living in community. 

Years later as a mother, moving around constantly with my young son following my husband’s work, I found that I was a shadow of my former self.

I suffered from chronic migraines which had plagued me since the emergency c-section at my first son’s birth. I had no nearby family to help me to raise my son or help me with my chronic pain condition.  I had very few friends or sense of community because we moved so much.  I coudn’t find any doctors who could figure out how to help me. I was sick, depressed, malnourished, isolated, hadn’t slept well in years, and was totally freaked out by all the other symptoms that accompanied my migraines: peripheral neuropathy, nightmares, ringing in the ears, myriad food intolerances, compromised digestion, pain sensations in the major organs of my body, gallbladder attacks, insomnia, etc. etc. etc. etc.  Although I knew I was privileged, and I adored my husband and son, I found that I was totally overwhelmed by motherhood, traumatized by my medicalized birth, angry and resentful at allopathic medicine, bewildered that mothers were expected to raise kids in such isolating conditions, scared that I would never get out of migraine, and daunted by the overwhelming task of having to learn how to heal myself. Little did I know that this dark period would be the fertile soil for a hugely transformative experience that would include years of study into nutrition and physiology, a lot of experimentation, the development of the gift of my analytical mind, a deep respect for the healing plants and minerals that Mother Nature offers us, and an even more profound astonishment at the ability of my body to heal.

Chronic migraine mixed with motherhood was a rite of passage that taught me -Marya, what my real purpose in life is, and for this I am forever grateful.”

Learn more about Marya, her offerings, and the things she knows at Minerals for Migraines.


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Great Lady Under Earth: Reading with Leodrune Press

Great Lady Under Earth: Reading with Leodrune Press


Re-release and reading hosted by Leodrune Press

Join Sylvia & Tristan Eden of Leodrune Press for a live reading of their book, Great Lady Under Earth, on the evening of August 5th's dark moon. Great Lady Under Earth recounts an arc of experimental rituals performed with the intent to establish contact with the Earth Spirit. The process, which took root within an ancient canyon hidden in the heart of a city, has branches reaching from the deep Paleolithic past to the changing biosphere of the present & future. Part essay, part prose, this book is devoted to Earth in Her more unsettling, chthonic forms-- and aimed at cultivating reciprocal relationship with Her from within the Anthropocene.

From Leodrune Press

Throughout the field of witchcraft & folk magic studies, there are many great minds working to carefully reconstruct lost traditions, to revitalize currently fallow ones, and to preserve what existing lineages of practice remain. As Tristan and I are not inheritors of such responsibilities, we feel it is pertinent to begin forging new spiritual frameworks for ourselves and for those that come after us. Leodrune materials are an outgrowth, a fruiting body, born from a privately maintained faith practice shared between Tristan and I. Like many public-facing ritualists, we keep much of our practice hidden, and carefully reveal our findings to others through our publications.

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Plant Spirit Journey: Rose

Plant Spirit Journey: Rose

Join us on the last Friday evening in July for an intimate plant spirit journey at Hedgerow, led by Madrone McCarthy, with a soundscape by Alexa Lux. Being an herbalist, gardener, or plant lover doesn’t only have to be about working with plants practically, but can also be about building a relationship and connecting magically. During this two hour intimate circle, we enjoy Rose tea before we journey into the otherworld and meet the spirit of this throned beauty. This non-entheogenic journey space is meant to be one wherein folks can explore their innate intuitive capacities, learn directly from the spirit of plants themselves, and share their experiences with other practicing folks. We will also have time to field questions and learn about the practical uses of hawthorn leaf, flower, and berry, as well as some magical lore. If you know little of this plant, best wait until after your journey to start learning. Going in with a fresh mind is a special treat.

Please bring something to write on and with, as well as whatever you may need to sit and/or lay back comfortably. We have seating at the shop, however some folks find it preferable to lay back for the journey portion of the evening. Mugs and tea will be provided. Join us bi-monthly for Plant Spirit Journeys at our storefront, after hours. Check our classes & events page and sign up for our newsletter to be in the know about these gatherings and all of our upcoming classes and events! You can find tickets on the events page of our website.

Join us bi-monthly for Plant Spirit Journeys at our storefront, after hours! Check our classes & events page and sign up for our newsletter to be in the know about these and all of our classes and events!

Tier Ticket Pricing

Tier 1: For those who find themselves experiencing financial hardships. Thank you for coming!

Tier 2: For the common folk. This is the general ticket price.

Tier 3: For folks who have plenty of resources. This tier ensures access for folks with less resources available. Thank you for paying it forward!

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Lady Elder Book Release: Reading and discussion with Hyldyr and Friends

Lady Elder Book Release: Reading and discussion with Hyldyr and Friends

Join our friends from Hyldyr for a release of a very special publication, Lady Elder Tree: Northern Plant Animism & Witchcraft by Joseph S. Hopkins & Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen. Introduced by scholar Mathias Nordvig.

From Hyldyr on the Elder tree:

“In northwestern Europe, a tremendous amount of folk belief has long surrounded the plant. As scholar Della Hooke notes, in Anglo-Saxon England, “the elder, Sambacus nigra (O[old] E[nglish] ellen), is the tree that is especially noted in the early Christian edicts against tree-worship - the tree of witches. It is the tree singled out by Wulfstan in the Canons of Edgarc. 1005-8 ... as a place for the carrying out of ‘the devil’s craft’”. Hooke adds that, “the tree was, in popular folklore, traditionally treated with awesome respect.” (Hooke 2010: 232)”

With a reading by Devon Rawlings and followed by a discussion, the evening is sure to open our minds to the wonders of this magical tree as we look to past and far away lands to learn how those who came before related to Lady Elder.

Complimentary Elder tea will be served with additional elder beverages available for purchase. An opportunities to received an elder flash tattoo will be available for those who feel so inspired to leave adorned with the powers of this plant. Hyldyr will have publications for sale at the end of our reading. Our night will be full of the Lady herself indeed!

Seating is limited. Please purchase a ticket in advance.

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Flora Frequencies: Ikebana Workshop & Sound Bath with Christina Poole and Dianne Magnuson

Flora Frequencies: Ikebana Workshop & Sound Bath with Christina Poole and Dianne Magnuson

Do you also hurry, half-dressed and barefoot, into the garden,
and softly,
and exclaiming of their dearness,
fill your arms with the white and pink flowers,

with their honeyed heaviness, their lush trembling,
their eagerness
to be wild and perfect for a moment, before they are
nothing, forever?

~ From Peonies by Mary Oliver.

Ikebana, sometimes translated as “giving life to flowers” is the Japanese art of floral arrangement - simple and beautiful. Offered by Sprung Florals, this ikebana workshop is, perfect for beginners eager to explore the Japanese art of floral arrangement. A special event, indeed, curated to support those wishing to explore their creativity in a new (or familiar!) way, will be followed by a relaxing and grounding sound bath offered by Diane, aka DJ Tourmaline.

All materials for ikebana will be provided. Please bring your own mat for extra comfort during the sound bath.
Complementary tea will be served and other libations will be available for purchase.

Early bird ticket pricing available through July 1st.

About your facilitators

Chrisitna Poole of Sprung Florals

Meet your guide to the world of Ikebana, Christina. With a journey that began with an introductory course, Christina has since embraced the delicate art of Ikebana with passion and dedication. She is currently advancing towards becoming an Ikebana Master. Christina is an active member of the Ohara School of Ikebana Oregon Chapter, deepening her understanding and mastery of this elegant art form.

With a focus on the process rather than perfection, Christina encourages students to explore their creativity freely and embrace each step of their artistic development. Whether you are picking up flowers for the first time or looking to refine your skills, Christina creates a welcoming and supportive environment where all are invited to grow and discover the beauty of Ikebana together.

Dianne Magnuson / DJ Tourmaline

Dianne is a queer electronic DJ, producer, artist and sound healer, with over 15 years of experience making music. She grew up with a deep love for musical expression and is dedicated bringing people into spaces through music or vibration of sound that allows their consciousness to naturally unfold

“ I aim to guide people back to their inner power, wisdom. vitality, freedom and sense of self. I am no one’s healer. I am someone who wants to see you win and feel delighted with your life.”

Members receive 15% off classes. Contact the shop for your member discount code. If you’re not yet a member, click here to sign up.

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Creating a Backyard Apothecary with Gradey Proctor

Creating a Backyard Apothecary with Gradey Proctor


Would you like to learn how to grow medicine in your own backyard? To create a productive, easy to maintain landscape that attracts both pollinators and health?

Join Gradey from the Medicine Garden as we delve into gardening for medicine! This class will take you on a journey through some of Gradey’s favorite plants that are easy to grow, safe to use, and cover basic health needs. Along the way, we will learn where they like to grow, how to properly harvest, and propagation tips galore. 

Discounted plant starts will be available after the class so you can put what you’ve learned in class to use and continue learning from the plants themselves!


About Gradey and the
Medicine Garden

“Our goal at the Medicine Garden is to empower our community through plants. We do this by offering organically grown Medicinal Plant Starts, Seed and Medicine at our Monthly Medicinal Marketplaces, Herb Shops and local Nurseries in the Portland area. In addition, we offer educational community gatherings, classes and garden consultations to help us deepen our relationship with the plants and place. Our small-scale approach allows us to sink into the plants’ needs as well as our communities.

Medicine Garden was started by Gradey Proctor. Gradey is a botanist with a relentless passion for the flora and fungi of Oregon's forests. Born in a place without intact ecosystems Gradey fell hopelessly in love with the Northwest when he arrived in the 90's. Gradey studied at the Columbine’s School honing his botanical skills, and has since worked for Bark, a nonprofit that advocates and protects Mt. Hood. His love of plants spread to nurseries, CSA farms and his own yard where he raises medicinal plants starts. Now Gradey works and lives on 7 acres of Clackamas Land, continually exploring ways where ecology and gardening meet. Gradey has taught gardening, botany and ecology at the Arctos School of Herbal and Botanical Studies for the last 15 years.”

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Grand Opening Weekend
to May 19

Grand Opening Weekend

This is a FREE event!

Join us as we celebrate the Grand Opening of Hedgerow Herb Co! Your new Portland based apothecary. Many hands and plenty of toil went into the building of our sweet storefront, so we are so excited to share our space with you. Enjoy old time music, tin-type portraits, tea and libations, live book readings, workshops, as well as opening weekend only raffles and membership discounts.

Welcome to the wild hedge.

Welcome to the wild hedge. ✥

Saturday May 18th

12:00pm - Doors open!

All Day - Become a Founding Member and receive opening weekend-only discounts on our Membership. Enter our Medicine Basket Raffle (winners announced on Monday May 20th). Hang out and enjoy libations like Herbucha, house made herbal sodas, and tea.

12:00pm-4:00pm - Tintype Portrait Pop-up with Noyel Gallimore

From Noyel’s website: “For over half of my life I’ve been a photographer, and for even longer I’ve been a maker - capturing memories and creating whatever my hands and mind would allow. Analogue photography has always felt like the perfect combination of conceptual and tangible art forms. My favorite part about the antique process of wet plate collodion is how hands-on it is.

Delicately preparing and mixing various chemicals, practicing careful and meticulous technique, creating images with such unique and timeless qualities, and having my hands in every step of the process. Second to that is meeting so many wonderful people and seeing their response when they first see their tintype portrait appear in the fixer.”

5:00pm - Live old time music from Forty Drop Few.
Enjoy an evening in good company, and wear your dancing shoes if you wish! Forty Drop Few gets people on their feet.

Sunday May 19th

12:00pm - Doors open!

All Day - Become a Founding Member and receive opening weekend-only discounts on our Membership. Enter our Medicine Basket Raffle (winners announced on Monday May 20th). Hang out and enjoy libations like Herbucha, house made herbal sodas, and tea.

2:00 pm: Live Harp music by Aphida Cocomici
Enjoy herbal soda or tea on a Sunday afternoon accompanied by the lovely harp music of Portland based Luthier, Aphida Cocomici.

4:00pm - Nigon Wyrta Galdor: The Nine Plants Spell (Hyldr Publishing) Read by Devon Rawlings
Enjoy libations and a live reading in candlelight by performer and voice actor Devon Rawlings.

Vibrantly animistic and remarkably hypnotic, Nigon Wyrta Galdor—the so-called Nine Herbs Charm—is an Old English healing galdor that invokes nine personified plants and the pagan god Woden to defeat a serpent before exploding in a psychedelic climax.

One of the most mysterious items in the Old English corpus, and originally sang, chanted, or otherwise performed to treat an unknown malady, philologist Joseph S. Hopkins’s new translation of Nigon Wyrta Galdor provides a rare window into a living landscape from a lost time, dripping with mysticism and mystery, humming with life.”

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Reoccurring Events

Every Tuesday
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Hosted by Alchemy of Brotherhood.
Please bring what you need to be comfortable on the floor.
Suggested donation of $20-$40

Internal Family Systems (IFS) Healing Circle for Men

Plant Spirit Journey

Bi-Monthly on Third Fridays
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Hosted by Hedgerow & Alexa Lux
Seasonal Plant Sits

Last Sundays

Hosted by Juliet Howard
Includes custom flower essence formulation.

Flower Tryst: Flower Essence Consultations

Monday - 16 Sept | 14 Oct | 18 Nov

Hosted by Hyldyr
FREE event

Ár Var Alda: The Storied Reading Circle

Third Mondays - 21 Oct

Hosted by Marya Gendron aka Minerals for Migraines

Mineral Mondays: Folk Healing through Minerals

Host an event at Hedgerow

Are you an educator, a maker, a sharer of skills, songs, or stories - and would like to collaborate with Hedgerow? Please send along an email inquiry!