To celebrate its release, join Sylvia & Tristan Eden of Leodrune Press for a live reading of GREEN FEAST: Experimental spring-tide lore & praxis, on the evening of March's Full Moon. Departing from the typical gentle, floral atmosphere we associate with spring, GREEN FEAST explores the visceral, prickly, emergent magic of the vernal season. We will move through poetry, myth, science and ceremony in our uncovering of the occult virtues of the blooming Earth.
"Though today’s bland pastel Easter decor may suggest Spring is sweet and mild, it is in truth a provocative time of anticipation, eroticism and violence. A fresh swell of incarnate beings all push their way into the world, hungry. Eyes, wings and flowers flutter open. There are blossoms, but no fruit, for mother black bear. Chipmunk’s pulse revs from 4 beats per minute to 350 as she wakes from hibernation. The hatching chick uses all its strength to destroy the boundaries of its existence. In that moment, the old creation myths are sung again: the world-egg cracks open, revealing the contained universe."
Doors open at 6pm. Springtide inspired beverage service will be available. Space is limited for this event. Please purchase your ticket to secure your spot.
Our materials are an outgrowth, a fruiting body, born from our shared ritual practice here in the Pacific Northwest’s ancient, wounded, and vibrant biomes. Together, we write & illustrate small books which explore the deep magic of ecological relationships between humans and Others—plant, animal, landscape, spirit—and present ways to root one’s personal spiritual practice into everyday aspects of living, such as handcrafting and meal-making.